Product Descriptions

Digital Product Notice

Most Kathie Hill titles include digital products. Digital products are identified by the small white download arrow you see in the icon examples above. When purchasing items which are digital you are actually purchasing a limited license to duplicate the item once you have downloaded it. Most digital product is sold in multiples signified by a 3x, 5x, 1x, or similar.

In the case of 3x it means you are licensed to make 3 copies. If you need 15 printed copies you would purchase FIVE 3x licenses. If later you need to make 9 more copies, we trust you to return to the Kathie Hill Music eStore and purchase THREE more 3x licenses.

What do you mean digital products? There is no manufactured product to ship. Instead you can immediately download the master files to your computer - PDFs to print, MP3s or BIN/CUE to burn to CD or play from an iPod or computer, or video (WMVs) to burn to a data DVD or play from your computer. and, using instructions provided, make copies equal to the number of licenses you purchased. Upon process of payment, log into your, go to MY ACCOUNT-ORDERS and download your masters. Because of the size of some files a broadband connection is recommended. Face plates and sequence inserts are provided.

NOTE: Your honesty in making copies equal to your paid license purchase will allow Kathie Hill Music to continue providing digital products.

Preschool Praise'ntations

(Preschool Praise'ntations Vol 1 (BLUE), Preschool Praise'ntations Vol 2 (ORANGE), Preschool Praise'ntations Vol 3 (GREEN), Preschool Praise'ntations Vol 4 (RED))
Kid's CD
Contains all 20 praise'ntation songs with narrations
Teacher's CD
Contains all 20 praise'ntation songs in split trax and stereo or instrumental only accompaniment and lead line demonstrations of all transition songs. As this CD is used for performance, no solos or dialogue is included.
Teacher's Book
Contains piano transcriptions for all 20 praise'ntation songs, lead lines for all transition songs, 20 sixty minute or 40 thirty minute lesson plans, all reproducibles and scripts for all praise'ntations in three formats.
Songs & Chants for Antsy Pants (mixed)
51 song CD features the 43 transition songs from Vol. 1, 2, 3, & 4 of Preschool Praise’ntations and 8 new songs to be sung a capella in the classroom but demonstrated with kid-friendly tracks and lyric insert. Available in physical CDs or MP3 digital download.

Kathie Hill/Word Musicals & Collections

(Angels Aware!, Christmas in Reverse, Donkey Tales, Dr. Newheart’s Neck-Up Check-Up, Esther-Ordinary Faith, Fish Tales, Good News from a Grave, Holy Moses!, Operation Christmas Child, Promise U, The Christmas S.O.C.C.E.R. Team, The MK Christmas Special, The Best of Kathie Hill's Christmas, The Best of Kathie Hill's All Year Long Songs (not all products available for all titles))
Choral Book
Contains script and all songs with piano transcriptions, plus staging and costume ideas
Singers Book
(Angels Aware! only) Contains the script, vocal lead lines for all songs and activities
Directors Book
(Angels Aware! only) Contains script and all songs with piano transcriptions, plus staging and costume ideas
Listening CD
Jewel cased CD contains the entire musical with dialogue and songs
Listening CD Bulk Pack (set of 10)
10 Listening CDs in paper sleeves
CD Trax (Split/Stereo)
Contains the stereo orchestral accompaniment and a split-track version with choral vocals on one channel and instruments on the other and a separate version of stereo instrumental. As this CD is used for performance, no solos or dialogue included.
CD Trax
Contains the orchestral accompaniment in a split-track version with choral vocals on one channel and instruments on the other. As this CD is used for performance, no solos or dialogue is included.
Director's Aide pages (licensed digital PDF)
Up to 200 pages include plans for a kick-off party, lesson plans, musical and spiritual activities, production helps, and organizational materials for producing this musical (choral book, listening CD and Instructional/Movement DVD available separately) This product is available for Christmas in Reverse, Donkey Tales, Dr. Newheart’s Neck-Up Check-Up, Esther-Ordinary Faith, Fish Tales, Good News from a Grave, Holy Moses!, Operation Christmas Child, Promise U, The Christmas S.O.C.C.E.R. Team, The MK Christmas Special.
Performance DVD
Performance video of entire musical by a children's choir
Digital Director's Aide and Video (Digital DAV)
Easy to store clamshell contains these items listed above: Listening CD, Instructional/Movement DVD, Activity CD and CD Rom from which you can print all 200 pages with the click of a mouse. These pages include plans for a kick-off party, lesson plans, musical and spiritual activities, production helps, and organizational materials for producing this musical (choral book available separately. (Currently available for “Donkey Tales” only.)

Dovetail Musicals

(AmeriKids, Christmas in Egypt, Go, Go, Jonah, Hans Bronson’s Gold Medal Mission, Levite Genes, Nic at Night, The Christmas Family Tree, The Don't Be Afraid Brigade)
Choral Book
Contains script and all songs with piano transcriptions, plus staging and costume ideas
Listening CD
Jewel cased CD contains the entire musical with dialogue, solos and songs (10 or more listening CDs sold for a discounted price)
CD Trax
Contains the orchestral accompaniment in a split-track version with choral vocals on one channel and instruments on the other. As this CD is used for performance, no solos or dialogue is included.
Dovetailor Pages(licensed digital PDF)
Up to 100 pages of reproducible Worksheets, Activities,Puzzles, Rehearsal Plan Sheets, Teaching Tips, Detailed Kick-Off Suggestions, Audition Ideas, Enrollment Forms, Spiritual Lessons,Calendar Plan Sheets, Coordinator Checklists and production helps available in an immediate digital download (posters not included; choral book & listening CD available separately) This product is available for selected titles only.
Instructional/Movement DVD
30 minute video includes set, prop, costume and choreography demonstrations.
Performance DVD
DVD of a full performance by a children's choir (available for selected titles).
CD Preview Pak
Contains a choral book and listening CD for the purpose of reviewing a new or unfamiliar product. Due to the discounted price customers/churches/schools are limited to one preview pak per title and these are non-returnable items.
1x PowerPoint® (digital PPTX)
pptx file download of graphics and/or photos marked w/page, dialogue or music cues from the Singers Book. 1x License allows you to use the PowerPoint for your church or organization only.

Kathie Hill Classic Musicals

(A Band of Shepherds, Back at the Creekbank, Copycats of the King, Dr. Newheart's Christmas Cure, Famous Kids of the Bible, Good King Wenceslas, Holly Day's Songs of Praise, One and Only Original Christmas Factory, The Bible Tells Me So Show, The Don't Be Afraid Brigade, Wise Guys and Starry Skies, We Like Sheep)
Listening CD
Jewel cased CD contains the entire musical with dialogue, solos and songs (10 or more listening CDs sold for a discounted price)
CD Trax (split)
Contains the split-track accompaniment with choral vocals on one channel and instruments on the other. As this CD is used for performance, no solos or dialogue are included. (Angels Aware! only)
Performance DVD
DVD of a full performance* by a children's choir (Copycats of the King includes 2 of 4 stories, A Band of Shepherds features original youth choir premiere)
3x Choral Book PDF - digital /downloadable product
A PDF file of the choral book w/ license to make 3 copies - contains script and all songs with piano transcriptions, plus staging and costume ideas
3x Singers Book PDF - digital /downloadable product
(A Band of Shepherds, Back at the Creekbank, Dr. Newheart's Christmas Cure, Good King Wenceslas & One and Only Original Christmas Factory) A PDF file w/ license to make 3 copies - contains script and vocal lead lines for all songs (Band of Shepherds includes all production notes, Dr. Newheart includes worksheet activities for each song)
3x Directors Book PDF- digital /downloadable product
(Angels Aware!, Back at the Creekbank, Bible Tells Me So Show, Dr. Newheart's Christmas Cure, Fat, Fat, Jehoshaphat, Good King Wenceslas & One and Only Original Christmas Factory) A PDF file w/ license to make 3 copies - contains script and all vocal lead lines for each song with piano transcriptions, plus staging, production notes and costume ideas for director
3x Activity Book PDF - digital /downloadable product
A PDF file w/license to make 3 copies - contains partial lead lines, all lyrics and worksheet activities for each song - Back at the Creekbank only)
Preview Sampler
Digital download of an edited Listening CD (MP3) & water-marked Choral/Singer's Book (PDF) - for preview purposes only
pptx file download of graphics and/or photos marked w/page, dialogue or music cues from the Singers Book. 1x License allows you to use the PowerPoint for your church or organization only.

Digital Products

(I Am A Promise, WAM! 4 Kids, Songs & Chants for Antsy Pants, Preschool Praise'ntations Tri-Song Samplers, Classic Singles Sheet Music)
Listening CD MP3 (3x or 5x)
An MP3 audio download of the single song or full musical recording w/ license to make 3 or 5 copies as indicated on product page
5x Vocal Charts PDF
A PDF file of the lead line (lyrics, melody/harmony & chords) for that song w/license to make 5 copies
3x Sheet Music PDF
A PDF file of the lead line with piano transcription for that song w/license to make 3 copies
Rhythm Charts (PDF)
The instrumental chord charts for all rhythm instruments (piano, percussion, guitars) w/license to make all needed copies
(These do not include a piano transcription - For WAM! 4 Kids only)
Split/Stereo CD Trax MP3 (1x or 3x)
MP3 audio download of the stereo and/or split trax accompaniment (vocals and/or instrumentals on separate tracks) and stereo instrumental accompaniment w/ license to make 1 copy or 3 copies as indicated on product page. As this CD is used for performance, no solos or dialogue is included
3x Demonstration Video (WMV)
a video download of the performance of that song with choreography, costumes, props and drama w/ license to make 3 copies
3x Demo & Performance Video (master DVD file)
a master disk image for burning your own DVD that contains the Prommet video with audio from Listening CD, titles & credits (not intended for performance), and a Prommet video without audio, titles & credits (to be simultaneously played with Split/Stere Trax or live accompaniment) video download of the performance of that song with choreography, costumes, props and drama w/ license to make 3 copies
Worship Arts Activities (PDF)
Instructions for conducting worship arts tracks and 1 activity per song for Art, Dance, Drama, Instruments, Media, Vocals and Music (rehearsal plans)

FREE Teaching Kids to Sing video series
Copyright © 2025 Kathie Hill Music, LLC