★ Go, Go Jonah!

Includes Digital Products
1995 Dove Award Nominee
Best Children's Musical

By Kathie Hill(40 minutes)

Based on the Book of Jonah, this delightful, best-selling, missions-minded musical is ideal for end-of-the-year or summer performances. Through the experiences of Jonah, children in grades 1-6 learn the importance of obeying God and the consequences of failing to do so. The musical also teaches that God is always there and that we are to love one another as He loves us.

2nd – 8th grade
Speaking parts:
minimum of 12 with non-speaking Jonah
minimum of 8
multiple scenes created with suggested props and set pieces
contemporary clothes for chorus, Bible costume for Jonah

This musical is timeless!! There are such great messages and truths from God's Word from both the drama and the music. The songs are written so creatively the kids had fun learning them! We used this musical for grades 1-5. I would highly recommend it!
Lisa Erwin — Denton Bible Church, Denton, TX

Go, Go Jonah is a very well written & Biblically sound story with a great missions focus and many fun parts for both boys & girls. Kathie Hill has a great way of writing scripture truths with great humor for all to enjoy!
Cheryl Schroeder — Okotoks Evangelical Free Church, Alberta, Canada

Kathie’s Note: “Go, Go, Jonah” is a classic. The Jonah is a non-speaking part, so any kid can be the “star.” Boys love the song “Terminator, Too”, “Ninevah” is a riot and “Go Ye Therefore” can be used for any missions activity.

Titles include:

  • The Bible Is a Book of Love
  • Go, Go Jonah
  • Terminator, Too
  • No, No Jonah
  • Yeomen of Joppa
  • Where Could I Go?
  • He Can Raise You Up
  • Nineveh!
  • Without Love
  • Go Ye Therefore
Before purchasing your first digital products please read our digital product notice!
Digital products can be downloaded as soon as your payment has processed.
Accompaniment CD - Go, Go Jonah! (DIGITAL)

Accompaniment CD - Go, Go Jonah! (DIGITAL)

Licensed Digital CD (3x) files of all songs with spilt left channel instrumentation/right channel choral vocals and stereo instrumentation only. (No dialogue or solos.). Additional copies of any portion of the file require additional license/s. Review READ-ME.txt file contained in the zipped download for instructions about BIN/CUE use.
Licensed Digital CD (3x)
Choral Book - Go, Go Jonah!

Choral Book - Go, Go Jonah!

Downloadable pdf of all songs, script, production notes, piano transcription, and chord chart (40 F/B pgs) with permission to make 3 copies . Additional copies require purchase of additional 3x license/s.
Licensed Digital PDF (3x)
Dovetailor Pages - Go, Go Jonah!

Dovetailor Pages - Go, Go Jonah!

Up to 100 pg download of detailed plans for kick-off, enrollment, rehearsals, auditions, plus musical and spiritual activities for every song.
Digital PDF
Listening CD - Go, Go Jonah!

Listening CD - Go, Go Jonah!

Jewel cased CD with full cover art and complete musical with dialogue and songs.
Compact Disc
Listening CD - Go, Go Jonah! (MP3)

Listening CD - Go, Go Jonah! (MP3)

A MP3 audio download of stereo recording of all songs & dialogue w/license to make 3 copies - Additional copies of any portion of the file require purchase of additional 3x license/s.
Licensed Digital MP3 (3x)
Listening CD Bulk Pack - Go, Go Jonah!

Listening CD Bulk Pack - Go, Go Jonah!

10 Paper sleeved CDs of complete musical with all songs and dialogue.
Bulk Pack 10 CDs
Spanish Choral Book - !Ve Jonas a Ninive! (Digital)

Spanish Choral Book - !Ve Jonas a Ninive! (Digital)

Libro coral para el musical infantil Go, Go Jonah . 80 page print download of all songs, dialogue, stage directions and production help in Spanish. License to make 3 copies - Additional copies of any portion of the file require purchase of additional 3x license/s.
Licensed Digital PDF (3x)
FREE Teaching Kids to Sing video series
Copyright © 2025 Kathie Hill Music, LLC