Famous Kids of the Bible

Includes Digital Products

Sing about Samuel, David & Jonathon, Rhoda, Jairus’ daughter, Namaan’s servant and 'no name' kids in the Bible!

Follow "Zack" to meet Bible kids who set examples for us to follow and show the importance God places on children. This play-within-a-play first released in 1991 was the last Kid’s Praise musical from the publisher of the Psalty & Colby the Computer musicals. Tapping Kathie Hill to write the script and co-write songs with arranger, Clifford "Barney" Robertson, they produced a creative approach to presenting David, Jonathon, Samuel, Rhoda, Jairus’ daughter, Namaan’s servant and other 'no name' kids who spring from their adult. A clever script, great songs and "mini-me" or puppeteer Zacchaeus leads the large cast that make this an all-church or all-school production.

6 - 14
15th Annual Bible People Pageant & Ministry Musicale
Contemporary clothes & Bible costumes
unison / 2 part
present day kids & adults, Bible kids & Bible adults
Speaking Parts:
14 speaking actors or puppet/s, 2 non-speakers & 1 off stage voice
10 kids - 6 teens/adults
Performance Time:
50 minutes

Song Titles:

  • Famous Kids of the Bible
  • 2 Ears 2 Hear
  • You Are Wondefrul
  • Shepherd Boy
  • Best Friends
  • Telephone, Telegraph, Tell the World
  • The No-Names
  • Just A Little Bit
  • Heaven's Child
Kathie's Note: This is not a musical for a first time director, but if you need a work with lots of parts for a broad age range this is it! The clever script is challenging, but a sharp actor or puppeteer as the Zack character can ad-lib to hold any loose ends together and in turn produce much laughter and focus on the important Biblical lessons. Simple set, staging and instructions for a 'dorf' or 'mini-me' character are outlined in the production notes included in the choral book and combined with great songs & lots of kid parts make this musical a crowd-pleaser – and a heart warmer!
Before purchasing your first digital products please read our digital product notice!
Digital products can be downloaded as soon as your payment has processed.
Accompaniment CD - Famous Kids of the Bible (DIGITAL)

Accompaniment CD - Famous Kids of the Bible (DIGITAL)

Licensed Digital CD (3x) files with spilt left channel instrumentation/right channel choral vocals and stereo instrumentation only. (No dialogue or solos.). Review READ-ME.txt file contained in the zipped download for instructions about BIN/CUE use.
Licensed Digital CD (3x)
Choral Book - Famous Kids of the Bible (PDF)

Choral Book - Famous Kids of the Bible (PDF)

Downloadable PDF of all songs (leadline & chords), script and production notes with permission to make 3 copies . Additional copies require purchase of additional 3x license/s.
Licensed Digital PDF (3x)
Listening CD - Famous Kids of the Bible (MP3)

Listening CD - Famous Kids of the Bible (MP3)

A MP3 audio download of the stereo recording with license to make 5 copies - Additional copies require purchase of additional 5x license/s.
Licensed Digital MP3 (5x)
FREE Teaching Kids to Sing video series
Copyright © 2025 Kathie Hill Music, LLC