The First Lord's Day with Christ the Lord... †(Easter)

Edited from "The First Lord's Day Medley" in Nic at Night this Celtic inspired arrangement begins with a little known, but lively resurrection song, "The First Lord's Day" then segues into a more majestic "Christ the Lord is Risen Today." A generous instrumental intro allows an option of processing to your platform then sharing this arrangement alone or with an adult choir or congregation joining the traditional Easter hymn.

"We sing for joy, we sing for joy, with loving thanks we say, "God raised Him up, our living Lord, on this, the first Lord's Day."

Ages: 6 - 14 yrs
Voicing: (1 solo/unison)
Performance Time: 3:19


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Listening/Stereo/Split Trax - The First Lord's Day

Listening/Stereo/Split Trax - The First Lord's Day

Downloadable (ZIP file) containing copies of Listening/Stereo Instrumental/Split Trax MP3 files and Leadsheet in PDF format with license to make 1 copy of each. To make copies of the full mix only, please purchase an additional $19.95 license to cover a 10x duplication.
Licensed Digital MP3 & PDF (1x)
Sheet Music - The First Lord's Day

Sheet Music - The First Lord's Day

Downloadable PDF (ZIP file) of sheet music with piano transcription and license to make 5 copies . Additional copies require purchase of additional 5x license/s.
Licensed Digital PDF (3x)
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