Prelude with Glory Forever - WAM! 4 Kids 4 the Word

Involve more kids in worship & music with WAM!
One of two WAM! 4 Kids 4 the Word bonus tracks, "Prelude" provides an instrumental underscore and ballet to interpret Mary’s anointing Jesus in John 12. This full string arrangement will give depth and variety to your Worship Celebration and expose the WAM! Kids to a "classical" approach to praise.
"Glory Forever" continues this worshipful mood moving us to the cross and promise: To those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God. (John 1:11&12) Sign language and hand-made rhythm instruments enhance this praise chorus which states: You bought my life with your precious blood. Now I’m your child, forgiven because… you’re worthy of glory forever!
WAM! 4 Kids 4 the Word is the 2nd of Worship Arts and Music resources from Kathie Hill Music. With tracks by Denver Bierman and the Mile High Orchestra, WAM! 4 Kids 4 the Word features seven songs to present separately or collectively in a Worship Arts Celebration. An optional script provides narrations that follow the life of Christ according to the book of John. Narrations are performed on the Listening CD. (The script is included with the bundled 7 song set of Vocal Charts only.)
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