The Solid Rock - WAM! 4 Kids 4 the Word

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Involve more kids in worship & music with WAM!

This DMHO arrangement created the "cornerstone" for WAM! 4 Kids 4 the Word by resurrecting an old hymn with life that will last long after your Worship Celebration ends. Dance Kids depict verse lyrics in pantomime with fabric while others form a "Rock Band" with "potato rocks" and "rock shakers" to lead the audience in echoing the chorus, On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand!

WAM! 4 Kids 4 the Word is the 2nd of Worship Arts and Music resources from Kathie Hill Music. With tracks by Denver Bierman and the Mile High Orchestra, WAM! 4 Kids 4 the Word features seven songs to present separately or collectively in a Worship Arts Celebration. An optional script provides narrations that follow the life of Christ according to the book of John. Narrations are performed on the Listening CD. (The script is included with the bundled 7 song set of Vocal Charts only.)

Unison/2 part (2 solos)
Performance Time:
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  • You'll NEVER PAY TO REPLACE AN ACCOMPANIMENT CD AGAIN! With your 3x Trax license you can have a file on your computer , IPOD or burned to CD for up to three leaders!
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Listening CD - The Solid Rock - W4K4Word

Listening CD - The Solid Rock - W4K4Word

A MP3 audio download of the stereo recording with license to make 5 copies - Additional copies require purchase of additional 5x license/s.
Licensed Digital MP3 (5x)
Rhythm Charts - The Solid Rock - W4K4Word

Rhythm Charts - The Solid Rock - W4K4Word

The instrumental chord charts for all rhythm instruments (piano, percussion, guitars) with license to make all needed copies.
Licensed Digital PDF
Stereo/Split Trax - The Solid Rock - W4K4Word

Stereo/Split Trax - The Solid Rock - W4K4Word

MP3 audio download of accompaniment in stereo instrumental & split trax (vocals and/or instrumentals on separate tracks) with license to make 3 copies (no solos or dialogue included).
Licensed Digital MP3 (3x)
Vocal Charts - The Solid Rock - W4K4Word

Vocal Charts - The Solid Rock - W4K4Word

A PDF file of the lead line (lyrics, melody/harmony & chords) with license to make 5 copies - Additional copies require purchase of additional 5x license/s.
Licensed Digital PDF (5x)
FREE Teaching Kids to Sing video series
Copyright © 2025 Kathie Hill Music, LLC