All Who Call - WAM! 4 Kids 4 the Way

All who call on the name of Jesus will be saved. Romans 10:13
Romans 10:13 sums up reward of following “the Way” with a beautiful ballad by Brian Best, Kathie Hill & Melody Morris. This scripture song starts with a simple solo accompanied by rain sticks kids can make in their Instruments WAM Session and builds to include a choral descant accompanied by optional hand bells. Even though all songs in WAM! 4 Kids 4 the Way can be presented separately, “All Who Call” may very well become your favorite!
WAM! 4 Kids 4 the Way is the 3rd release of Worship Arts and Music resources from Kathie Hill Music which features seven songs to present separately or collectively in a concert, camp or Worship Arts Celebration. WAM! 4 Kids 4 the Way songs follow the evangelism verses in Romans to teach “the way” to salvation and includes a “5 K 4 the Way” script for six or more readers on the Listening CD and Vocal Charts.
Arrangements run the musical gamut from worship choruses, bluegrass, rap, big band and ballads. So whether you present these songs with a script or separately, kids and tweens will find the music and worship arts activities to be “way” cool!
- One 5x license allows you MAKE UP TO 5 COPIES FOR PLANNING PURPOSES, then buy additional licenses after you know enrollment.
- You'll NEVER PAY TO REPLACE AN ACCOMPANIMENT CD AGAIN! With your 3x Trax license you can have a file on your computer , IPOD or burned to CD for up to three leaders!